Digital Signature
Sign all your documents, save your time, increase your efficiency, and improve your bottom line with our Digital Signature.
You can activate it online every minute, 24/7.
Namirial Digital Signature
Find out what it is for and how you can use the Namirial Digital Signature. You will be able to sign digital documents quickly, easily and with maximum security, with the same legal value as a handwritten signature
Namirial Digital Signature, is the ultimate solution for businesses and organizations looking to streamline their document signing process with maximum security and compliance. With Namirial Qualified Signature, you can sign your documents with full confidence and trust, knowing that your digital signatures are legally binding and compliant with the latest regulations.
With our video identification process, you can activate Namirial Digital Signature from the comfort of your own home or office, at a time that’s convenient for you.
Namirial qualified signature solution offers a wide range of features and benefits, including:
- Full compliance with eIDAS
- Multi-factor authentication for maximum security
- Advanced encryption to protect your data
- Time-stamping to ensure document integrity
- User-friendly interface for ease of use

Advantages of Namirial Digital Signature
Namirial’s offer is designed for every need. The Qualified Signature is created to manage files and documents directly from your smartphone.
Choose whether to get a signature valid for one year or three years to sign a document at an affordable price.
Identification included in the price
A Namirial qualified operator will guide you through a simple and fast video identification process at NO additional costs.
How to activate the Qualified Digital Signature
Activate the Qualified Digital Signature in 3 simple steps
Choose the Digital Signature you prefer and click “Buy”
Enter your data and complete the Video Identification with a Namirial operator
Check your email and follow the activation instructions
The most complete Digital Signature offer ever
Choose the best Digital Signature for you

Qualified Digital Signature for 1 year
Qualified Signature
- – No shipping needed
- – Do everything with your smartphone
- – Valid for 1 year

Qualified Digital Signature for 3 year
Qualified Signature
- – No shipping needed
- – Do everything with your smartphone
- – Valid for 3 year
Trust those who have already chosen us
Join the digital revolution
Our dream is a world without paper and without waste Max Pellegrini (CEO Namirial)

- Customers into the world
- 1,5 milions
- Tons of cards saved in a year
- 9.000
- Professionals in the world at your service
- 500+
FAQ about Digital Signature
- How long does Namirial’s signing last?
You can choose between a 1 or 3 years version.
- How can I use the Namirial signature?
You can use the Digital Signature by downloading and installing the Namirial Sign software.
- What are the identification methods?
You can identify yourself with a Video Identification session via webcam with a Namirial operator.